POLSERVICE at INTA´s 2024 Annual Meeting in Atlanta

POLSERVICE at INTA´s 2024 Annual Meeting in Atlanta

From May 18 to 22, the INTA Annual Meeting, organised by the International Trademark Association (INTA), took place in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

In addition to numerous other companies and law firms, POLSERVICE was represented on site by Bartosz Krakowiak – Management Board Member, Maria Łozińska – Co-head of Patent Team I and Paweł Wac – Head of Trademark and Legal Team, taking advantage of the networking opportunities and participating in the program on various IP topics.
It was the best opportunity to exchange views and meet business partners, clients and colleagues from all over the world.

In those days the center of the IP world was located in Atlanta.

POLSERVICE reaccredited with ISO 27001:2013 certification

POLSERVICE reaccredited with ISO 27001:2013 certification

We are happy to share with you that we have successfully achieved ISO 27001:2013 certificate… Again! 

We are after the second certification process!

The International Standards published by ISO - International Organization for Standardization serve to make lives easier, safer and better.
POLSERVICE became ISO 27001:2013 certified company in March 2021 for the first time.
To ensure a high level of information security for our Clients and to comply with applicable laws and international standards in this respect, we then implemented an Information Security Management System based on the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard.

The IP Scan service is now available in Poland!

The IP Scan service is now available in Poland!

The Intellectual Property (IP) pre-scan service is a part of a programme called the SME Fund, created to help micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) gain access to intellectual property protection and strengthen their business. The support is granted by the EUIPO - European Union Intellectual Property Office.
The Polish Patent Office - Urząd Patentowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (UPRP) cooperates with the EUIPO - European Union Intellectual Property Office in implementing and coordinating the IP Scan service in Poland.

IP Scan is a professional consultancy in the area of intellectual property. The co-financing for Polish SMEs amounts to 90% (!) of the net costs (up to a maximum of EUR 630).
It is worth taking advantage of such a funding !

A full list of IP Scan Contractors in Poland is available on the website of the Polish Patent Office here.
Note that your company can only receive financial support for an IP Scan service if it is provided by a Contractor from the list above.

As many as 6 attorneys from Polservice have completed a two-stage training course and obtained certificates authorising them to provide this service.
You can contact with Paweł Wac, Sławomir Mazur, Anna Skup, Maria Łozińska, Marta Kawczyńska and Karolina Stępień-Porowska.

We will represent you professionally on your way to obtaining this valuable support.
We invite you to cooperation!

CHAMBERS Europe 2024. POLSERVICE ranked in category: Intellectual Property

CHAMBERS Europe 2024. POLSERVICE ranked in category: Intellectual Property

The Chambers Europe 2024 guide is now live and we are pleased that Chambers and Partners has recognised POLSERVICE Patent and Trademark Attorneys Office in the category: Intellectual Property.

Thank you for recommending us and appreciating the work of our team!

And that is what Chambers and Partners says about us:

“Polservice enters the ranking this year due to strong market support. The firm is known for its work in the prosecution of patents, as well as representing clients in litigation proceedings for patents, trade marks, and copyrights.”

Chambers and Partners notices also excellent, conscious and goal-oriented everyday work of the practice leader:

Bartosz Krakowiak is highlighted as a notable practitioner and a key contact for clients.

Congratulations to all the ranked!


To find who has been ranked as the very best in the European legal market along with us, check here.

Bartosz Krakowiak at EUIPO and ECTA Bilateral Meeting in Alicante

Bartosz Krakowiak at EUIPO and ECTA Bilateral Meeting in Alicante

Bartosz Krakowiak attended the Bilateral Meeting between EUIPO - European Union Intellectual Property Office and ECTA at the EUIPO Headquarters in Alicante.

The meeting aimed to improve the intellectual property landscape in the EU and deepen constructive dialogue.

Various important topics concerning intellectual property in Europe were addressed.

Recognised individuals discussed important topics such as:

  • New competencies and responsibilities of the EUIPO;
  • SME programme updates;
  • Latest development on the agri and non-agri GIs reforms;
  • Various abuses of the IP system, such as abuse of the EUIPO User Area credentials;
  • Key recent case law and a number of other practical IP topics.

Also procedural matters were discussed such as representation before the Office.

We are full of praise for the successful cooperation and look forward to further results.

Trembling in anticipation of a next year’s meeting.

POLSERVICE at the AIPPI Spring Meeting in Madrid

POLSERVICE at the AIPPI Spring Meeting in Madrid

Marta Kawczyńska (Vice President of the Polish Group - AIPPI Polska, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board at POLSERVICE) and Bartosz Krakowiak (President of the Polish Group – AIPPI Polska, our Board Member) were present at the AIPPI Spring Meeting in Madrid, 22 – 23 February 2024, to discuss together with other recognised specialists the latest IP developments in Europe.

Bartosz Krakowiak moderated the panel session "Trade mark protection strategies and enforcement in online and virtual spaces" during which speakers discussed the issues of trade mark protection in online and virtual environments such as the metaverse, virtual markets and other e-commerce platforms.

Marta Kawczyńska took part in the panel discussion and gave a presentation: “Discovery mechanisms for preliminary injunction and general evidence gathering available in Poland”.