We are proud to announce that, as in the previous years, our firm has been listed in the gold band in WTR 1000 international ranking compiled by World Trademark Review. The gold band includes the most reputable internationally recognized firms providing trademark protection services.
Our sincerest congratulations are extended to Anna Stopińska-Ślefarska, President of the Board of our firm, who has been ranked among the top professionals in the category: prosecution and strategy. According to our clients “she never lets the quality drop”.
Specials congratulations also go out to Bartosz Krakowiak, Member of the Board, who is the only Polish professional who has been ranked in all three of the WTR individual categories: anti-counterfeiting, trademark prosecution and strategy, and enforcement and litigation. Our clients are of the opinion that Bartosz “has a glowing reputation as a litigator and is known for his superb knowledge and depth of experience”.
See details of the ranking.